Leket: yidishe shtudyes haynt | Jiddistik heute | Yiddish Studies Today
This volume comprises studies on Yiddish literature, language and culture and documents the thematic and methodological breadth of contemporary, international research on Yiddish. Four central areas are: Readings in Modern Yiddish Literature, Older Yiddish, Linguistics, Culture and Politics.
Vorwort | Foreword
On Itzik Manger ’s “Khave un der eplboym”
Spur und DiffferenzZu Kadya Molodowskys Sulamith-Gedichten
Of Madonnas and MagdalenesReading Mary in Modernist Hebrew and Yiddish Women’s Poetry
Against “Girl Songs”Gender and Sex in a Yiddish Modernist Journal
The Consolation of SadnessThe Curious Exile of Dovid Hofshteyn ’ s Troyer
From "Der tsirk to Erev mayn farbrenung"The Transformation of Experience in Two Poems by Avrom Sutzkever
The Invention of Love?Or How Moyshe Leyb Halpern Read Heinrich Heine
Marking TimeBergelson and Bergson
Yiddish in Abramovitsh’s Literary Revival of Hebrew
“Nothing But a Bundle of Paper”Isaac Bashevis Singer’s Literary Career in America
Mentshelekh un stsenesRahel Szalit-Marcus illustriert Sholem Aleichem
Avrom Goldfaden’s "Sheygets" Theater
Sherlock Holmes in the Pale of SettlementYiddish Crime Stories 1860–1914
Abraham ibn Ezra und das Maiśebuch
Dovid und Wolfdietrich
What Happened in Hamburg…A Yiddish Document about Polish Jews in Germany during the Early Modern Period
Di shprakh fun dem bal-ha-Tsenerenes Meylits-Yoysher
Von Petach Tikwa über Jafffa nach MeknèsEine jiddische Postkarte aus dem Jahre 1902 als sprachgeschichtliche Quelle
Die vielfach verkannte "Jiddische Grammatik" des Ludwik Zamenhof
Der Kasus nach Präposition in westjiddischen Quellen des (langen) 19. Jahrhunderts
Eastern Yiddish Toponyms of German Origin
On the Relative Marker Vos and Yiddish Postmodifijiers
How Satmarish is Haredi Satmar Yiddish?
Zalman WendroffThe "Forverts" Man in Moscow
Holocaust and Post-Holocaust Yiddish Theater in MontrealA Canadian Response to Catastrophe
Un az in Treblinke bin ikh yo geven iz vos?H. Leyvik und die Sheyres-hapleyte
Bridging the “Great and Tragic Mekhitse”Pre-war European Yiddish Serials and the Transition to Post- Khurbn America
Yiddish Journals for Women in IsraelImmigrant Press and Gender Construction (1948–1952)
Deutsche Übersetzungen jiddischer LiteraturFünf Jahrhunderte interkultureller Austausch und Kontakt
Religion, Culture, LiteratureOn Yehoyesh’s Preface to His Yiddish Bible Translation
Auseinandersetzung über die jiddische Orthographie in der Kulturzeitschrift "Literarishe bleter"
“A is for the Almighty”Transmitting Values through Contemporary Hasidic Children’s Literature

April 11, 2014
Online ISSN
Print ISSN
Copyright (c) 2014 Prof. Dr. Marion Aptroot, Dr. Efrat Gal-Ed, Prof. Dr. Roland Gruschka, Prof. Dr. Simon Neuberg; Lawrence Rosenwald, Barbara E. Mann, Kathryn Hellerstein, Jordan Finkin, Heather Valencia, Jeffrey A. Grossman, Harriet Murav, Ken Frieden, Jan Schwarz, Sabine Koller, Alyssa Pia Quint, Nathan Cohen, Erika Timm, Wulf-Otto Dreessen, Diana Matut, Ewa Geller, Jürg Fleischer, Lea Schäfer, Alexander Beider, Moshe Taube, Steffen Krogh, Gennady Estraikh, Rebecca Margolis, Tamar Lewinsky, Barry Trachtenberg, Rachel Rojanski, Aya Elyada, Shlomo Berger, Aleksandra Geller, Asya Vaisman